Tuesday 18 March 2014

Neptune Day!

Dear Mrs. Simpson's class,

Yesterday was a very special day on the MV Explorer! We passed through the equator, the imaginary line that divides the world in half. This part of the Earth is closest to the Sun, so it has been getting very warm. Crossing the equator on a ship for the first time is an important moment for all sailors, because you turn from a land-dwelling "pollywog" into a "shellback".

This was a fun day to celebrate how far we have traveled. One of my professors dressed up as "King Neptune", the king of the seas. He was painted green!

First, we had "fish guts" poured over our heads- don't worry, it was only coloured water! Then we jumped into the pool, and when we climbed out, we kissed a fish and the ring on King Neptune's hand before being knighted as shellbacks! You didn't have to do anything if you didn't want to, but it was a lot of fun if you did!

Finally, one of the other optional traditions is to shave off all your hair. And guess what? I did that!

So now I am bald, along with many other students on the MV Explorer! Many boys shaved their hair, and about 10 girls did. It feels very strange because I have never had my hair this short before. You can ask Mrs. Isaak what she thinks about her daughter having no hair! We'll see how long my hair grows before I visit you again in June.

Do you think you would kiss a fish? Do you think you would shave off all your hair?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca,
    How are you doing?
    1. How does it feel to have your head shaved? Is it cold on your head? Is your head really white? How does the sun feel on your head? Do you have to wash your head? Is it very, very boiling with the sun on your head?
    2. Was it weird to kiss the fish? How did it feel to kiss your professor's hand (King Neptune)? At first, did you think it was going to be real fish guts thrown on your head?
    3. What's the average or normal temperature?

    Thank you Rebecca for all the time you have put into making this blog.
    Gr 3/4
